One thought on “Broken Man

  1. It’s Your Duty

    The ten days
    of spring, over now,
    bring dust-rain volley, bow-tie
    dances under sad
    streets. This slow

    city offers chance
    encounters. Relationships
    in tearless land mean
    getting used
    to work-hard love,

    the kind that
    pays off in respect.
    Still, countless occupations
    Influence beating
    Hearts so shut,

    Into lead boxes
    that us spoiled visitors can’t
    find what we know to
    be human.
    some make the leap, some

    Force love on
    historical foundations,
    meaning they
    must connect with those
    who know the entire

    reasons why
    “hard work, no play love” adds up
    to good life.
    Vanquish excitement,
    find love in floor scrub.

    Liked by 1 person

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